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Frequently Asked Questions

What is our inclement weather policy? 

WE follow the school district closures and Beaufort county advisories.  We schedule make ups for the classes we miss.  WE will post information to our facebook page and the website.


What does my child need to wear to class?

Girls need to wear a leotard and have their hair pulled back neatly off the face.  No jewelry with the exception of stud earrings.  Boys can wear shorts and a teeshirt. Ninja Kids also wear a wristband.  Please ensure that no baggy or loose clothing is worn along with nothing that has zippers.  No socks or shoes permitted in the gym.

What does my child need to bring to class?

A water bottle and a good attitude.  

What happens if my child misses a class?

If you child misses a class due to illness or being away we offer makeup tokens provided we have been notified 2 hours in advance.  Makeup Tokens appear in the parent portal and can be used to book an alternate class. Where no class is available we will consider PNO or Open Gym voucher.

What do I do when my child is in class?

Our viewing area is currently restricted to those attending a trial class and parents of preschool age children who might require assistance using the bathroom.  We are asking parents to remain outside or in their vehicle until pick up time.

How do payments work?

Tuition is charged monthly on 25th of the upcoming month and is due on the 1st.  We are requiring eveyone at this time to pay through the parent portal.  You must have a card set up to do this.  We offer auto billing on the 1st and 15th of each month.  We charge an annual registration of $60 on the 1st every September for returing students and at the time of registration for new students which covers insurance and membership into the club.  

How do I know which class my child should be in?

If they have no gymnastics training, kids ages 5 and up need to start as a beginner. We often get children who are very into flipping and tumbling at home but have no formal training.  They need to start as a beginner so that they can be taught proper form on ALL the pieces of apparatus.  We can quickly determine if a child needs to be moved up or down a class and regularly asses them to ensure they are properly placed.  If you child has had more than a year of training elsewhere then they would most likely be an advanced beginner or an intermediate gymnast.  Children under 5 can join one of our exciting Gyminee Krickets Classes. 

My child wants to do competitive gymnastics - what do I do?

If your child is interested in competitive gymnastics there are several routes for them to take.  Oftentimes a child who shows enthusiasm in class and has a good deal of strength and flexibility will be considered by coaches for pre-team placement.  Average age for kids on our pre-team is 5-8 however we can consider older children as well.  We have open tryouts for pre-team in the Spring but also assess on an ongoing basis for children who we think would excel with more excelerated training.  Most kids will spend a year on pre-team sometimes two depending on age.  If they have the necessary skills they will be asked to attend Sparkler camp and trial with the team over the summer then offered a formal spot on the Sparklers Team.

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